Tuesday, December 4, 2012

A little goes a long way...

Knowledge is a dangerous commodty... and even moreso when paired with a need for it...

I hate the addiction... Almost as much as the precognition that it feeds.

I do see the road you travel, even when you proclaim to be sitting on a mountaintop just enjoying the view... I see you dancing in the valley, rolling in the loam. I see the flowers you surround yourself with... in a garden I am not welcome, nor do I apparently belong.

I feel the thorns of my own garden and weep tears for the blood they yearn to taste...

Friday, October 26, 2012

Nearing the End of 2012...

Wow! It's been a while since I've been here... Here it is, the tail end of 2012! Well, I hope to start afresh... so much has happened... Happy to be back!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Momma's Tree

Ok, I feel the need to post pics of my Mom's tree, just cuz it'll make her feel good. She likes that sort of thing. And I must admit, I like some of her ornaments, the train and the village (with working miniature street lights!) So, I'm posting that stuff too!

I am in a "Postal" mood today.
So, here are some pics of my office at work...
I decorated the lobby with stuff from home.